URGENT: MASSIVE Bitcoin Bull Signal Flashing! (XRP Ready to EXPLODE!)

Correlations in the Forex Market

All the financial instruments including currencies move based on a certain behavioral pattern, which may differ from one to another. This article will shed some light on the correlations in the FX market and the extent to which currencies are related. A trader can certainly benefit and trade profitably if he knows the correlations phenomenon among different pairs; plus it is much easier for him to analyze the pairs based on their behavioral pattern.

Basics of Forex Trading Consolidation

The period of indecision or stagnation that occurs after a rally, is called a consolidation phase where the price moves in a sideways direction, regardless of what direction the previous rally was in. In other words, this phase or type of market is called range-bound where it plays in between a given range, breaching of either side results in clearing up the direction for the traders. Flags, pennants and triangles are the types of small consolidation periods that occur as a continuation of a previous rally having significant volume, either in an upward or a downward direction.

Bitcoin’s Manifest Destiny

Does Bitcoin have a future. It may have more of a future than you think.

Binary Options Brokers Provide Tips To Success

With the abundant amount of information that can be easily accessed through the internet, people have found great ways to spend their spare time through entertainment, information gathering and self-study to further improve their arsenal of knowledge that will become useful in whatever venture and endeavor they are undertaking. Also, not only is information accessibility the advantage of technological advancement but also the introduction of excellent income-generating applications for smart phones and tablets. Due to this, a lot of people have started to grab the opportunity to give trading a go since a lot have been looking…

Average True Range As a Stop-Loss Indicator

While support, resistance, and Fibonacci are used as both entry and exit triggers, average true range (ATR) tends to be a one-trick pony. Once you have entered a trade, you are able to use ATR as a stop-loss indicator or as a way to place your protective short or long.

Selling Options Against Futures or Cash Position

The simplest approach to implementing a covered option position involves the combination of a cash position with an option. The crux of the idea is that when a stock’s shares flatten out or get weaker in price call options can be sold to generate income. If the stock’s price goes down the trader gains the premium, which diminishes his losses in the shares.

The Top 12 Candlestick Indicators

If you have been trading for more than two weeks, you probably know about candlesticks. They are one of the most innovative tools in enlightening a trader on day-to-day momentum. They are excellent for intraday trading and, more importantly, for entry and exit signals.

Things To Consider When Choosing A FX Broker

Foreign exchange, also known simply as Forex or Fx, is the market in which currencies are traded. There’s no central marketplace for the Forex market; instead, transactions are typically completed through brokers. Since the market opened up to retail traders in the early 2000s, there has been an increase in the number of brokers to choose from. Traders must devote plenty of time to research their options to determine the broker that best suits their needs.

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