How To Understand And Appreciate The Importance and Value of Candlesticks in Forex Trading!
If you are new to Forex trading there are probably a lot of things that seem strange and new to you and candlesticks are probably one of those strange things. What these are, are drawings that will identify the high, the low, the opening and the closing prices of the different currencies over a certain amount of time. If they are to be used effectively the trader needs to understand their meaning of the candlestick shape and the significance of the different patterns that are made by the different sequences of the candlesticks.
FX Trading: Quantitative and Sentiment AnalysisAn article about the basics of high-stakes FX trading. In order to start working with a forex broker, you must first learn the analysis methods. Two such methods are Quantitative analysis and Sentiment analysis. If you are interested in getting started with a forex trading platform, this is the perfect place to get introduced.
Startup a Forex Hedge Fund in Record Time Perfectly Legal and Under Eurozone JurisdictionNow you can start forex hedge fund which is perfectly legal and under eurozone jurisdiction. Read the following article to know more.
Forex Secret Tips No 63 – Establish Stops And Heed Them AlwaysOne of the most important tools and trading secrets for the Forex trader is the stop order. Learning and using it expeditiously will create the correct trading mindset so crucial to Forex success. However, this invariably boils down to mind over matter, as human emotions come into play.
Forex Trading – The Need to LearnThe Foreign Exchange Market, or Forex Market for short, is the largest financial institution in the whole world. It moves more money in one day than anywhere else in the world. Trillions of dollars are traded in this market every 24 hours which makes it one of the most profitable investments there is.
Forex Strategy Trading Tips: 3 Easy Methods to Select High Probability TradesI’m writing this article after I spoke with one of my traders a few days ago and she was asking me about how to locate high probability trades to profit from the markets. Forex strategy trading requires you to follow your trading plan, be disciplined, and only trade high probability trades. Most Pro traders use simple strategies with strict money management to assist them to achieve their trading goals and profit consistently from FX trading.
Understanding Your Forex Brokerage OptionsWhen you get to where you are serious about Forex trading you are going to want to find yourself a Forex broker. There are a lot of them to choose from and the market is far larger than the standard stock markets so it might be quite a daunting task to try and figure out what broker to go with. So, choosing your broker is going to depend upon a variety of different factors.
FX Broker Resources: Consumer Confidence IndexEconomies are consumer driven; meaning that consumer spending is one of the biggest indicators of economic strength, a crucial factor for the FX trading market. With such a huge reliance on the habits of shoppers, the Consumer Confidence Index is a key resource for anyone using a forex trading platform, assuming they want to turn a profit.