FINAL SEC vs XRP Nail in the Coffin (US Gov’t Blames Putin for Record Inflation)

How Do You Successfully Trade The Forex Market?

Successful Forex market trading is an accomplishment that can be achieved via different trading methods. However, whichever trading method or system you ultimately end up using, there are some components to successful Forex trading that are necessary and thus must be present. So, let’s go over these components so that you can make learning Forex trading as effective and efficient as possible.

The Relationship Between the AUD and Gold

As a commodity currency, the AUD displays correlation with a number of commodities, but gold is particularly interesting to Forex traders, as it is often traded as a safe haven currency in its own right. From 2002 to 2005, the AUD usually served as a proxy for gold with a 96% degree of correlation with the US gold price.

Why People Lose With Automated Forex Systems

There’s a serious dilemma facing anyone who is considering using automated Forex systems to trade. What do you do when it seems like everyone is losing with automated Forex systems?

Forex Trading Technical Analysis And Indicators

The most accurate way to Forex trade is Technical analysis. Fundamentals help to point out if a price will increase or decrease. It gives you an advantage over other Forex traders. Trends help us recognise market direction and can save us from losing trades. The most important thing is having discipline and not getting emotionally involved in trades. Learning about technical indicators and their functions will help recognise what market movements mean.

A Basic Understanding in Forex Trading

Nowadays many people are participating in an activity called Forex trading. It provides an opportunity for many individuals to leave the corporate world and even start working from the comfort of their own home. Many experienced traders believe that the most profitable capital market is the Forex market.

3 Keys To Success With Automated Forex Trading

Ever wonder why most people fail to make money even with “foolproof” automated Forex trading systems? Here are the 3 keys to success most people ignore.

How to Use the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator in Forex Trading

The name Ichimoku Kinko Hyo translates to “Equilibrium Chart At A Glance” which is a perfectly apt description of how the indicator works. It shows the trader, at a glance an extremely detailed picture of price sentiment, strength of trend and support and resistance. A holistic picture if you will, that allows the experienced practitioner to tell very quickly whether a potential trade is a high probability or low probability in terms of banking profits.

Trading With a Forex Robot: You Don’t Need Nerves of Steel To Make Money

Trading with a Forex Robot can take the emotion out of Forex Trading. Trading manually and successfully takes the discipline of a machine. Forex robots are programmed with an algorithm based on statistics, will trade 24/7 and is not subject to fatigue or emotions. This article describes the advantages of robot trading, as well as things that should taken into consideration when you are deciding whether or not trading with a Forex robot is right for you.

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