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Foreign Exchange Trading

Foreign exchange trading involves the trading of currencies on the Forex market in order to profit from those transactions. Traders can profit from them by executing trades that give them more of a currency (also known as “long” in that currency) that has a higher interest rate and less of a currency (also known as “short” in that currency) that has a lower interest rate.

Fibonacci Forex Trading

Fibonacci Forex trading involves using Fibonacci retracement patterns in order to recognise reversals on a stock chart.  Leonardo Pisano (better known by his nickname, “Fibonacci”), an Italian mathematician from 12th century Pisa, developed these numbers, which are a sequence of numbers in which each successive number is the sum of the two previous numbers.

Forex Hedging

Forex hedging is hedging in the Forex market. Hedging involves a trader reducing his/her risk in trading. This does not eliminate the risk or the damage caused by an unexpected event in the market that causes the position of the trader to adversely affect his/her funds, but proper hedging can reduce the negative effect on those funds.

How to Get the Best Automatic Software for Forex Trading

Automatic software for forex trading enables you to make money from the forex market through smart and responsive automated algorithmic trading. This explains the popularity of this technology, but with this popularity there are now more programs on the market vying for your attention than ever. After using this technology for several years myself I’ve put together this guide to selecting the best automatic software for forex trading.

Get Started Trading Forex – Which Trading System Will Let You Quit Your Day Job?

If you want to start trading in the Forex market, almost everyone knows that it’s wise to invest in some sort of Forex trading system. In this article you’ll be learning (1) What criteria you should be using to decide (2) How you’ll know for sure which automated trading system will make you the most money, and (3) Which trading system makes the most money for other people just like you. Guess work is the enemy of profitable trading, get REAL answers here!

Learn to Trade Forex

In order to learn to trade Forex successfully, you need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally before you actually begin trading on the Forex market. One very important mental step you must make when you learn to trade is that you will not become successful or rich overnight. Even the most successful Forex traders needed time and experience in order to truly be successful at trading on the Forex market.

What Investors and Traders Need to Know About Central Bank Monetary Policy

This article highlights what individual traders should pay attention to regarding central bank monetary policy. Topics such as inflation, deflation, money supply, and interest rates are discussed and interpreted from the perspective of individual traders.

Surviving the Unpredictable World of Forex Markets

The forex market is a trillion-dollar business. It is participated by several countries, financial institutions such as banks, companies, and investors.   If you know how to play your cards right in the foreign exchange market, it may just be your ticket to great wealth.

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