Bitcoin Global Activity EXPLODING (Greatest Surge in 2 Years!!!)

What Is Forex? A Quick Guide Into the World of Currencies!

Forex is an acronym for FOReign EXchange. The foreign exchange is a currency market where currencies are traded. It represents the largest financial market in the world with daily trading volume exceeding $4 trillion. Just to compare, other financial markets such as equities at $50 billion daily trading volume, and the futures market at $30 billion in daily volume you can begin to realize the size of the animal and more importantly the infinite trading opportunities that lie before you!

Trader Timeline – How Long Does It Take and What Stages You Go Through?

If you’re thinking about getting started in any type of financial trading career an important aspect to think about is the trader timeline. What you need to know and what the typical person goes through to get to the place where we all want to be – profitable trading. In this article I write about the typical trader timeline that I’ve come across in my own trading as well as with my students.

Forex Analysis: Fundamental Vs Technical – Which One Should I Use?

Fundamental Vs Technical Analysis and Trading in Forex and other financial markets has been the source of a lot of debate over the last century and beyond! Traders and investors have their reasons for choosing one or the other but what are they and which one should you use? Read on to find out…

Getting Started in Forex, a Step by Step Guide

Sometimes it’s not so obvious what the process to getting started in Forex actually is. It’s pretty easy to get lost in the technical jargon that’s out there. Also there is such a wealth of information that is so scattered around the net that you can easily feel overwhelmed. So I decided to write this article to reach out to anyone new who wants the information given in a step-by-step manner which is easy to follow.

Selecting the Ideal Financial Trading Platforms

Choosing a financial trading platform for forex and stock trading is an important part of becoming a successful online trader. The ideal trading platform is dependent on the specific trader because every trader has unique needs and trading styles that involve different ways on analyzing data. Here are a few tips on finding the right one for your particular needs.

Forex Trading Secrets – Learn More About It

Forex trading has been in existence since the 1870’s when the first gold standard monetary system was set up. This was basically a system devised when each country placed a value on a portion of their currency against an ounce of gold. It is one of the more lucrative forms of trading as the possibilities are high for making an excellent profit.

Forex Trading And Its Secrets

Forex or foreign exchange trading is a popular and fairly easy to use style of trading. It is basically trading on a pair of currencies by buying on with another, i.e. buying American Dollars with British Pounds or Euros. It is a simple trade but is still not for the faint hearted. It isn’t a case of just picking a pair of currencies and going for it, there are other things to look at long before you make your first trade.

Forex Trading

Forex, or Foreign Exchange, trading made its debut back in 1875 when the gold standard monetary system was created. This happened when each country started to allocate a certain amount of its own currency as being equal to 1 ounce of gold, thus creating the first standardised currency exchange.

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