Pin Bar Strategy Using Support And Resistance With Market Analysis
This is a super simple strategy that a child could follow if they were competent enough to run a computer. All this strategy uses is pin bars, support and resistance, and a small amount of market analysis. Check it out you won’t be sorry.
Forex Range Bar Charts – How To Effectively Trade Using Range BarsRange bar charts are relatively new way to trade the forex market. There’s not a lot of people trading range bars so this could give you the edge you need. If you have a hard time using typical time based charts because of range bound behavior then this might be your holy grail.
Forex Trading Journal – Read Mine And Keep Your Own Journal To Improve Your TradingI personally document all my trades on my blog so that I have a good Journal of all my forex trades. This helps me to keep track of why trades went good or bad and allows me to constantly improve my trading. I chose to keep track of my trading in a blog because it’s easy to post pictures of my trades without printing them out. You should keep a Journal to, read mine, and check out this article to learn what to include in your journal.
Make Money With The International Currency MarketIf you’re looking to make some money in the international currency market then you better do some homework. It is a vast market with lots of big fish waiting to eat the little guy. I’ve been trading the market for a couple years now and it will put you to shame if you get ahead of yourself. Take your time to think things through and go after some pips with a good strategy.
FX Automated Trading for the Complete BeginnerThe concept of automated trading is a simple one and the reason it works is even simpler. So why do so many people lose out with these programs and how can you tell a good one from a scam?
Three Things That Will Make You a Solid Forex TraderThe top statistical reason Forex traders cannot hold onto any profits they make is over-trading. Let’s face it, Forex brokers make money based on how much trading you do. The more you trade, the more money they make.
Free Forex Tips – Try This Profitable Pin Bar StrategyThis is my favorite strategy to use in the forex market. I write articles about it all the time because I really want people to realize how they can easily compound there money using one simple technique. It only uses pin bars and it is a very profitable technique.
Foreign Exchange (Forex) Trading: 10 Must Know Facts Before ‘Playing the Game’I see it almost every day. People are willing to jump right into a game they know nothing about. This is largely attributed to the hype created around making quick profits.