Trade Without Indicators – Learn Price Action
When you look at a chart that is completely covered with indicators, you ever stop to think “what’s the point of all that”? I know that most people would say “it helps me trade”. Do you really think that you can’t trade without them? Frankly, I think they are hindering you.
Currency Trading Strategy – 5 Tips to Crank Up Your Profits!Want easy and simple currency trading strategy? This short article covers 5 simple tips that will help you stay on the right path to forex success, and more importantly, stick to a simple plan. Follow these steps, and you will make it easy for yourself.
FAP Turbo – What Does the Forums Say About the FAP Turbo Trading System?The FAP Turbo trading robot is one of the most popular trading systems available in the market. The Internet is a good source to learn about the system if you are interested.
Importance of Margin and Margin CallIn the forex market, investors have two possible positions, profit position and loss position. In a loss position, there are two possibilities that can be done by the futures brokerage firms, first make a margin call or second liquidate an investor’s position. If the position is liquidated, the investor’s position must be completed and investors bear all the losses. These losses can still be avoided if the investors meet the futures brokerage firm calls to raise capital.
The Secret Behind the Bollinger Bands RevealedThe Bollinger Bands were created by John Bollinger in the late 1980s. Bollinger studied moving averages and experimented with a new envelope (channel) indicator. This study was one of the first to measure volatility as a dynamic movement. This tool provides a relative definition of price highs/lows in terms of upper and lower bands.
Forex Trading Requires Paying Close Attention to the NewsOne of the key drivers to a country’s currency’s value is interest rates. The higher the interest that a country pays on its money, the more than money is worth relative to other world currencies. Those interest rates are guided by central bankers guided by economic events. Therefore, economic news can dramatically affect forex trades. This means that forex traders must be on top of the news around the world.
7 Currency Trading Basics to Skyrocket Your ProfitsThis article covers 7 currency trading basics to help stay on the right course for forex trading success. It has nothing to do with forex software, rather simple ways to stick to a currency trading strategy to help boost your income.
An Analysis of the Forex MegaDroid Robot SystemWhen you think of “Forex MegaDroid”, you might think it came from a movie like Terminator or Transformers. It really sounds hype. But what some people do not know is that they can use it to their advantage and actually help them earn a living.