Gold and the US Dollar on Forex
It is not a novel piece of news to most traders that the US dollar is directly linked to the value of gold in the US, and vice versa. Such knowledge has been vital to the effectiveness of traders in being able to tell which direction the currency may surge in. This is something that needs to be kept in mind where the commodity is concerned, and ultimately it will serve the best interests of those traders who know how to utilize it.
Psychological Barriers When Scalping ForexWhen a trader considers the value of trading the Forex from a daily perspective versus that of the frenetic pace of scalping a number of pros and cons emerge, and among them are profitability, stress and time consumption. Each of these items ultimately impacts the first since coming to the market has an intended goal of profitability. Those who do not have the clear goal of making as much money as possible are in the wrong business, and they would be better off visiting a casino.
Pivot Points in ForexFor a guiding light in the overall direction of where the market is headed pivot points can offer a good deal of insight. By looking at daily pivot points someone can gauge whether or not price action is being pulled in the direction of the current trend or not. If price action is above the Pivot Point it will be pulled down, and if it is below it price action should go up.
What Are The Best Forex Currency Trading Strategies?There are many different types of Forex trading strategies as you probably know by now. However, many traders have trouble deciding which Forex trading strategy is best for them to use. So, here is an overview of some of the more popular strategies that you can use to trade the Forex market with, as well as some of their advantages and disadvantages.
The Basics of Forex MarketForex, fx or foreign exchange are referring to the act of exchanging one country’s currency by another country’s currency. What used to be the exclusive privilege of banks and huge financial corporations is now available to all sorts of traders, big and small.
Fate of Apple Could Impact USD on Forex ChartsThe value of Apple’s stock has soared in the last several months to almost six hundred dollars a share, and this has been the lead bull in a charged, bullish US equities market. This has had an a negative impact on the USD, and has sent it falling against the Euro and other foreign currencies on Forex charts. Currently Apple has over half a trillion dollars in liquid assets, and they are considering a dividend payment to shareholders (possibly an annual one).
Goldman Sachs Firings Could Signal Trouble for USD on Forex ChartsAfter another wild year of US economic difficulties the investment banks in the United States have brought on another round of cuts from their trading floors. One of the first banks to begin instituting these cuts is the bank Goldman Sachs, and their firings have been en masse as of late. This means that there will be a lot less money being tossed around by these banks, meaning a possibly slower economy that could be beginning as a result of these slower financial practices.
Currency Trading – An Easy Investment OptionThe currency or foreign exchange (FOREX) market is the largest and fastest growing investment market in the world. Formerly only large investors like banks and professional traders were able to trade this market, but with the advent of the internet, and the improvement of currency trading platforms, retail traders have joined this market in large numbers, and these numbers are rapidly increasing. It has become very easy to open an online trading account with an investment of as little as $ 300.